सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में ....Only 8 Sleeper Coaches Allowed in Mail Express Train with 8 AC Coaches- RTI
सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में जानभूझ कर स्लीपर डब्बे काम कर रही है रेलवे और वातनकुलित कोच का टिकट लेने के लिए मजबूर करती है नॉन प्रीमियम ट्रेनों में। कितनी ही ट्रेनों में सिर्फ 5 स्लीपर कोच लगाते है Mumbai: The RTI application was filed with Ministry of railway about to regulation to attach sleeper coaches in mail and express trains. Ministry of railway reply that only 8 sleeper coaches allowed and 8 AC Coaches with 4 general coaches in Mail Express non premium trains . The AC Coaches numbers increases from 4 to 8 and sleeper numbers reduced from 12 to 8. In many trains only 5 sleepers are attached with 10-12 AC coaches . This is the new policy to hit poor and average peoples and forcing them to buy AC tickets . Final Status of SECRL/R/E/25/00022 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 10/01/2025 Request Filed With South East Central Railway-HQ Text of Application In Express trains there are general , Sleeper , AC Coaches ....