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सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में ....Only 8 Sleeper Coaches Allowed in Mail Express Train with 8 AC Coaches- RTI

  सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में  जानभूझ कर स्लीपर डब्बे काम कर रही है रेलवे और वातनकुलित कोच का टिकट लेने के लिए मजबूर करती है नॉन प्रीमियम ट्रेनों में।  कितनी ही ट्रेनों में सिर्फ 5 स्लीपर कोच लगाते है  Mumbai: The RTI application was filed with Ministry of railway about to regulation to attach sleeper coaches in mail and express trains. Ministry of railway reply that only 8 sleeper coaches allowed and 8 AC Coaches with 4 general coaches in Mail Express non premium trains . The AC Coaches numbers increases from 4 to 8 and sleeper numbers reduced from 12 to 8. In many trains only 5 sleepers are attached with 10-12 AC coaches . This is the new policy to hit poor and average peoples and forcing them to buy AC tickets . Final Status of   SECRL/R/E/25/00022 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 10/01/2025 Request Filed With South East Central Railway-HQ Text of Application In Express trains there are general , Sleeper , AC Coaches ....

ACB:Corruption Complaint against CJM Rajnandgaon Monika Jaiswal

    सीजेएम द्वारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश की अवहेलना और राज्य को करोड़ों का नुकसान पहुंचा  Rajnandgon (CG) : Corruption complaint against Ex Rajnandgaon CGM is filed at ACB Raipur to register FIR against Judge Under section 7 and 13 of Prevention of corruption act 1988. In a CRPC 156 case she rejected to direct police to register FIR against the colonizer developer who used thefted minor minerals in building construction. As per SC order in illegal mining and transportation case (Delhi NCT Vs Sanjay Kumar 2014) illegal mining is offence under IPC 379,411. She suppress this ground in order to give advantage to accused . She only referred mining act and said that mining officer will look into this matter. In recall also she denied to include SC judgement in the order. As per complainant she taken advantage from mining mafia and passed order against supreme court settled law.  She passed all the orders in filing number so that name of accused will not be available in cour...

Thane District Judge SB Agarwal Threaten Media Reporter Via PA For Exposing Judges Corruption...

  Thane (Mumbai): Thane district judge sent notice to media reporter to be present before Principle Session and District Judge Shri SB Agarwal chamber at 5 PM on 16 July 2024. Media reporter cum Judicial activist thought that he may take statement for his complaint regarding court staff corruption. When he approached PA of DJ then he shown the  Asangaon Judge corruption news . The news was about complaint to ACB against Shahpur Judge for passing order by suppression of fact in cognizable offence by taking advantage .It is offence under section 7 and 13 of PC act 1988. The PA started taking statement of media reporter Sapan Shrivastava. When the applicant asked the copy of written direction issued by Judge Shri SB Agarwal then PA said that he issued verbal direction to issue letter. The Media reporter denied to give any statement . The DJ Shri SB Agarwal called media reporter in his chamber. DJ asked the details of office bearers of INDIA RTI NEWS portal . Inspite to take actio...

Complaint At Bar Council Against Senior Advocate Ashish Kamat By Advocate Vijay Kurle Of Bombay High Court.....

ADVOCATE VIJAY KURLE, SEEKS DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST SENIOR ADVOCATE ASHISH KAMAT FOR HIS AMATEUR TRICKS IN PROTECTING WHITE COLLARED SCAMMERS Advocate Vijay Kurle known for fearlessly standing with the underprivileged victims of manipulation by powerful real estate sharks, corrupt private sector and government officials, who are out to tear the fabric of the society. Adv Vijay kurle and Adv Ashish kamat Recently Advocate Kurle wrote to ‘Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa’ seeking action against Senior Advocate Ashish Kamat for his juvenile conduct to delay prosecution of scammers of thousands of crores of government and insurance policyholder’s funds by private insurance companies and their senior officials.   Top private insurance companies, cheated the government and small-time policy holders, through the following dubious means - A. Enrolling ghost beneficiaries and collecting thousands of crores of government sponsored insurance premium, meant for the farmers and underp...

Corruption Allegation Against Judge Is Not Contempt Of Court : Bombay High Court

  JUDGES FACING CORRUPTION ALLEGATION CANNOT USE CONTEMPT POWER AGAINST COMPLIANANT  Thane: Mr Manubhai Patel filed civil suit for recovery of money of about Rs 2 Cr. before Thane District Court. As per Mr Patel Thane Judge Shri SB Patil was delaying matter since last one year . Senior Citizen Petitioner was harassed by judge for recovery of money suit and by many adjournments since last one year . One day he questioned judge that what is your rate list for different case? How much money you have to pay for justice?  By hearing such remark from petitioner the judge issued contempt notice to 70 years age petitioner . The Petitioner replied the notice and the reference report sent to Bombay High Court for punishment. The Bombay High Court Judges rejected this reference as charges related to personal allegation.   "   According to us, the plaintiff has made personal   allegations   against   the   judicial   officer   due   t...