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Showing posts from March, 2024

Complaint against NCLT Mumbai Members Anil Raj Chellan and Kuldeep Kumar Kareer

  Mumbai: Shri Partha Sarathy Sarkar Advocate NCLT Mumbai registered Complaint Against SH. ANIL RAJ CHELLAN Member (Technical) and  SH.KULDIP KUMAR KAREER Member (Judicial) to the secretary , Ministry of Corporate affairs . The complainant has raised irregularities in passing order to favor a party and demanded action . DOWNLOAD  

TATA MOTOR IPO SHARE घोटाला सामने आया ....

 TATA MOTOR IPO SCAM.... मुंबई : टाटा मोटर्स कंपनी ने अपना शेयर २२ अगस्त 1955 को बॉम्बे स्टॉक  एक्सचेंज में लिस्ट करवाया. सरकारी नियम अनुसार फाइनेंस मिनिस्ट्री से इसका अनुमोदन अनिवार्य था. टाटा मोटर्स ने बिना controller NOC के अपना शेयर BSE में list करवा लिया।  RTI से मिली जानकारी अनुसार Department of  economic affairs और SEBI के पास NOC की कोई जानकारी नहीं है।  टाटा मोटर्स के compliance officer भी कोई उत्तर नहीं दे रहे। अब यह कंपनी दो भागो में split होने वाली है और NSE और BSE इसको approval दे देंगे।  एक्सचैंजेस और कंपनी मिल कर जनता को धोखा दे रहे है और सेबी chairman भी चुप है।  किसी भी दिन यह शेयर पुलिस या सेबी कोर्ट की  कार्यवाही पर टूट सकता है और जनता फिर धोखा खाएगी।  SEBI का काम investors के हितो की सुरक्षा करना है पर सेबी चेयरमैन ही भ्रष्टाचार में लिप्त है।  सेबी को सेक्शन 15 HA , SEBI act 1992 के तहत कार्यवाही करनी होगी जिसमे पूरे profit की 3  times  पेनल्टी है।  अब तक चेयरमैन  Madhabi Puri Buch घूस लेकर मौन बनाये बैठी है।  Tata Motors listed at BSE with NOC from Controller of Fi

LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD IPO FRAUD : No Approval Taken From Government For IPO Launch

 WHITE COLLOR CRIME BY L&T FOR RASING FUNDS THROUGH IPO Mumbai: L&T listed at BSE on 21 April 1965 with the compliance of Ministry Of finance . As per Section 3-4 of Capital Issue Control act 1947 controller permission was mandatory for any issue. L&T Listed at BSE without mandatory compliance.  As per Smart ODR reply the company is also searching NOC in their record.  RTI filed with Department of Economic affairs to know L&T IPO NOC. DOE transferred it to SEBI . SEBI said that is does not maintain such information as SEBI is operating as regulator since 1992 . In RTI appeal order the SEBI transferred  it to Department of Economic affairs market division. Later DOE also denied any information as per record. It is crime Under IPC and section 15 HA of SEBI act 1992.  Final St atus of   SEBIH/R/T/23/00250 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 20/12/2023 Request Filed With Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Head Office Text of Application LARSEN &

CRPC 156 Order Cannot be Challanged Under CRPC 397

Allahabad High Court Prof. Ram Naresh Chaudhry S/O Shadri ... vs State Of U.P. Through S.S.P., Station ... on 4 December, 2007 Equivalent citations: 2008CRILJ1515 Author:  Vijay Kumar Verma Bench:  Vijay Kumar Verma JUDGMENT Vijay Kumar Verma, J. 1. "Whether the revision against an order passed under  Section 156(3)  of the Code of Criminal Procedure directing registration of F.I.R. and investigation of the case is maintainable", is the main question that falls for consideration in this revision, which has been preferred against the order dated 20.04.2004 passed by Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Court No. 14, Gorakhpur in misc. application No. 140 of 2004, whereby S.H.O., P.S. concerned has been directed to investigate the case after lodging the F.I.R. on the basis of the application moved by Prof. Anirudh Prasad (opposite party No. 3). 2. The facts leading to the filing of this revision, in brief, are that Prof. Anirudh Prasad was the Head of Department of Law

HDFC Merger Without SEBI Consent.....

  Mumbai : HDFC LTD and HDFC Bank has been merged without SEBI permission . An RTI filed to SEBI for copy of SEBI comment letter for HDFC merger . The PIO said that the NSE and BSE give NOC to merger and letter is available at their website. As per exchange NOC there was SEBI comment but not copy of the letter. An appeal was filed before SEBI RTI appellate authority . SEBI Appellate authority Mr B Rajendran  denied to give copy of SEBI letter as the said copy is in public domain of exchanges . As BSE and NSE does not covered under RTI act and it is company so the contents of their sites are not reliable. They may have taken verbal comment so SEBI may have no copy on record. Without quoting any section SEBI denied copy of letter .  Question of law is that why SEBI did not upload such letters under section 4 of RTI Act? As per practice supreme court rules 2014 are approved by president of India and GR is passed accordingly . But SC, President , Ministry of Law  RTI section have no copy o

Durg Corruption Court Ordered ACB Inquiry Of SP And SHO In Corruption Complaint FIR Registration

  भ्रष्टाचार कोर्ट ने एसपी और थाना प्रभारी सुपेला , जिला दुर्ग की एसीबी ENQUIRY REPORT मांगी। माइनिंग माफिया से साठगांठ का आरोप  Durg, CG State: Corruption Court Durg Under PC act 1988 and Special Judge Shri Sanjeev Kumar Tamak Ordered preliminary enquiry of corruption complaint against SHO Durgesh Sharma , Supela Police Station and SP durg Police Shalabh Kumar Sinha . There is allegation that both the officers has taken bribe from mining mafia and colonizer Krishna Grand city Khoka Bhilai for illegal mining and transportation . The Builder has used thefted minor minerals ie without TP in construction work and state incurred loss of Rs 70 Cr of royalty and penalty. Illegal mining and transportation is offence under IPC 379,413, 420,120B etc with section 21 of MMDR . No preliminary enquiry done as per Lalita Kumari SC Order and registered FIR . SP and SHO taken huge advantage from mining mafia to avoid action. During hearing complainant said that both have huge disproprionate assests an